Papa janji abis lebaran mau beliin gue motor. Gue pilihnya Yamaha BYSON !
Gak tau, sejak pertama motor ini muncul gue langsung jatuh hati sama ni motor *eeyyaaa*
Gak tau, mau warna apa ? Yang putih keren, yang Black Solid GAK kalah KEREN !
Yamaha Byson juga bisa di modifikasi sesuai selera kita, jadi kita punya ciri khas motor sendiri.
Gak sabar nunggu motor ini sampe depan rumah. Hehehe !!!
What's the time now ?
Senin, 21 Oktober 2013
8. Madonna: 1979–kini
Tak diragukan lagi jika Madonna dikategorikan sebagai salah satu penyanyi paling terkenal di era 60-80. Beberapa single yang ia ciptakan telah membuatnya memperoleh banyak penghargaan. Bahkan hingga kini, setelah 50 tahun berkiprah di dunia musik, ia masih aktif tampil di dunia musik. “Like a Virgin” dan “True Blue” adalah beberapa lagu hitnya.
6. James Woods ( 180 )
James Woods memang seorang genius. Dalam ujian SAT, Woods berhasil meraih nilai sempurna, 800 dalam ujian verbal dan 779 dalam ujian Matematika. Saat muda, Woods sempat masuk ke universitas ternama di AS, UCLA, dengan sistem beasiswa. Sayang kesukaannya pada bidang akting membuat karir pendidikannya terhenti.
5. Gary Kasparov ( 190 )
Gary Kasparov dikenal sebagai salah satu master catur yang masih hidup di dunia ini. Walau sempat kalah dalam pertandingan catur melawan komputer jenius, namun Anda pasti tidak ingin melawan kepintaran pria kebangsaan Rusia ini.
Dengan IQ sebesar 192, Gary Kasparov menorehkan namanya di dunia dengan menjadi juara dunia catur termuda, yakni di usia 22 tahun. Setelah pensiun di tahun 2005, Kasparov kini aktif di bidang politik dan tulis menulis.
3. Kim Ung Yong ( 210 )
Kim Ung Yong memang sangar pantas menduduki poin nomor 2, Setidaknya hal itu sudah dibuktikan dengan catatan Guiness World Record, dimana mereka mencatat bahwa IQ Kim mencapai 210.
Kepintaran Kim sendiri sebenarnya sudah terlihat sejak masih balita. Bayangkan saja, di usia 2 tahun, ia sudah menguasai 4 bahasa dan di usia 4 tahun, ia sudah mengikuti kuliah. Dan jika Anda menganggap rekor itu belum cukup, maka Anda perlu melihat rekor miliknya yang dipanggil NASA di usia 8 tahun saja.
2. Christopher Hirata ( 225 )
Selain dikenal sedikit culun, sosok Christopher Hirata dikenal memiliki otak paling cemerlang. Dengan IQ sebesar 225, ia sudah dipanggil ke perusahaan Caltech pada saat usianya baru 14 tahun. Dan di usia 16 tahun, ia ditarik NASA untuk mengerjakan proyek kolonisasi Planet Mars.
1. Terrence Tao ( 230 )
Tao mulai menunjukkan bakatnya dalam Matematika sejak balita dengan menonton serial anak Sesame Street. Di usia 2 tahun, usia yang menurut sebagian orang tua masih masa pertumbuhan, Tao sudah bisa melakukan penghitungan Matematika dasar. Dan di usia 9 tahun dia sudah belajar matematika sekelas universitas, sebelum akhirnya resmi meraih gelar Ph.D di usia 20 tahun. Tao menduduki IQ tertinggi saat ini, yakni 230. Congrats Tao! (source )
7. 76 Tahun - Kombinasi Paduan Suara (Koor) Tertua
6. 66 Tahun - Perempuan Melahirkan Tertua
Ibu tertua di dunia adalah Maria del Carmen Bousada Lara, asal Spanyol yang lahir pada tanggal 5 Januari 1940, yang melahirkan bayi melalui operasi caesar pada saat usianya telah mencapai 66 tahun 358 hari. Tidak tanggung-tanggung Nenek ini melahirkan bayi kembar, Christian dan Pau, di rumah sakit Sant Pau, Spanyol pada tanggal 29 Desember 2006. Inilah akibatnya jika kakek lupa pake sarung, hehe.
5. 66 Tahun - Peski Tertua di Dua Kutub
4. 71 tahun - Ballerina Tertua
Charin Yuthasastrkosol, wanita berkewarganegaraan Amerika yang lahir di Thailand 30 Desember 1930, mulai belajar ballet baru pada usia 47 tahun. Setelah itu dia rutin melakukan pertunjukan ballet dan yang terakhir dilakukannya di depan duta besar Thailand untuk Amerika Sakthip Krairikish di Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA pada tanggal 21 Juli 2002 saat usianya menginjak 71 hari 203 hari.
3. 98 Tahun - Manusia Tertua (Pria) yang Menyelesaikan Lari Maraton
2. 100 Tahun - Peterjun Tandem Wanita Tertua
1. 71 Tahun - Pendaki Mt Everest Tertua
6. Hong Kong
Jumlah miliarder: 25
Milioner terkaya: Li Ka-shing ($21 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Lee Shau Kee, keluarga Kwok, Robert Kuok, Cheng Yu-tung
Kota bekas koloni Inggris ini menampung jumlah milioner terbanyak dibandingkan kota-kota besar lain di Asia. Milioner terkaya di kota itu menguasai ladang bisnis di sektor telekomunikasi.
5. Los Angeles, California
Jumlah miliarder: 27
Milioner terkaya: Eli Broad ($5,7 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Steven Spielberg, Sumner Redstone, Michael Milken, Ron Burkle
Melihat gemerlap kota ini, sebenarnya tak mengejutkan jika menampung sejumlah milioner. Banyak dari pengusaha superkaya itu menanggung untung dari industri hiburan seperti perfilman Hollywood. Bisnis otomotif dan pariwisata juga memegang peran penting.
4. Istambul, Turki
Jumlah miliarder: 28
Milioner terkaya: Husnu Ozyegin ($3 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Mehmet Emin Karamehmet, Sarik Tara, Ferit Sahenk
Kecantikan kota ini memang menjadi daya tarik wisatawan asing, sekaligus ladang bisnis kaum milioner. Namun, tak semua bergerak di sektor wisata. Banyak orang superkaya di sana yang mendalami bisnis di sektor teknologi telepon selular dan perbankan. Dengan taraf hidup tinggi, seorang pembantu rumah tangga di kota ini bisa mendapat imbalan jasa $50 per hari.
3. Tower of Hercules, Spain
Anda tau kan yang namanya hercules ? ternyata ada juga loh menaranya, Menara Hercules merupakan nama sebuah mercusuar kuno yang terletak di A Coruña, Spanyol. Menara ini mulai dibangun pada tahun 1788.
1. Banaue Rice Terraces, Philippines.
Yang pertama adalah Banaue Rice Terraces yang terletak di filiphina. teras ini sudah berusia sekitar 2000 tahun, teras ini diukir di pegunungan Ifugao di Filipina oleh nenek moyang orang-orang pribumi. Rice Terraces biasanya disebut oleh Filipina sebagai "Eighth Wonder of the World". Hal ini biasanya berpikir bahwa teras dibangun dengan peralatan minim, sebagian besar dengan tangan. Teras ini terletak sekitar 1500 meter (5000 kaki) di atas permukaan laut dan mencakup 10.360 kilometer persegi (sekitar 4000 mil persegi) dari gunung.
Sikinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Situation aggravation
Everybody allegation
in the suite, on the news
everybody dogfood
Bang bang shock dead
Everybodys gone bad
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Chew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me hike me
Dont you black or
white me!
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has
become of my life
I have a wife and two
childre who love me
I am the victim of police
brutality, now
Im tired of bein the
of hate, youre rapin
me of my pride
Oh for Gods sake
i look to heaven to ful-
fill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Trepidation, speculation
Ecerybody allagation
In the suite on the news
Everyboda dogfood
Black man black male
Throw the brother
in jail
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has become
of my rights
Am I ivisible cause you
ignore me?
Your proclamation
promised me free liberty
Im tired of bein the victim
of shame
Theyre throwinme in a
clas with a bad name
I cant believe this is the
land from which I came
The government dont
wanna see, but if
Roosevelt was livin he
wouldt let this be, no,no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Situation, specultaion
Everybody litigarion
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Some things in life they
just dont wanna see
But if Martin Luther was
livin, he wouldnt let
this be no, no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybodys gone bad
Situation Segregarion
Everybody allegation
In the suite an the news
Everybody dogfood
kick me Hike me
Dont you wrong or
right me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Everybody gone bad
Situation aggravation
Everybody allegation
in the suite, on the news
everybody dogfood
Bang bang shock dead
Everybodys gone bad
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Chew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me hike me
Dont you black or
white me!
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has
become of my life
I have a wife and two
childre who love me
I am the victim of police
brutality, now
Im tired of bein the
of hate, youre rapin
me of my pride
Oh for Gods sake
i look to heaven to ful-
fill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Trepidation, speculation
Ecerybody allagation
In the suite on the news
Everyboda dogfood
Black man black male
Throw the brother
in jail
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has become
of my rights
Am I ivisible cause you
ignore me?
Your proclamation
promised me free liberty
Im tired of bein the victim
of shame
Theyre throwinme in a
clas with a bad name
I cant believe this is the
land from which I came
The government dont
wanna see, but if
Roosevelt was livin he
wouldt let this be, no,no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Situation, specultaion
Everybody litigarion
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Some things in life they
just dont wanna see
But if Martin Luther was
livin, he wouldnt let
this be no, no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybodys gone bad
Situation Segregarion
Everybody allegation
In the suite an the news
Everybody dogfood
kick me Hike me
Dont you wrong or
right me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
The way she came into the palce
I knew right then and there
There was something different
About this girl
The way she moved
Her hair, her face, her lines
Divinity in motion
As she stalked the room
I could feel the aura
Of her presence
Every head turned
Feeling passion and lust
The girl was persuasive
The girl I could not trust
The girl was bad
The girl was dangerous
I never knew but I was
Walking the line
Come go with me
I said I have no time
She said don't you pretend we didn't
Talk on the phone
My baby cried
And left me standing alone
She's so dangerous
The girl is dangerous
Take away my money
Throw away my time
You can call me honey
But you're no damn good for me
She came at me in sections
With the eyes of desire
I fell trapped into her
Web of sin
A touch, a kiss
A whisper of lvoe
I was at the point
Of no return
I knew right then and there
There was something different
About this girl
The way she moved
Her hair, her face, her lines
Divinity in motion
As she stalked the room
I could feel the aura
Of her presence
Every head turned
Feeling passion and lust
The girl was persuasive
The girl I could not trust
The girl was bad
The girl was dangerous
I never knew but I was
Walking the line
Come go with me
I said I have no time
She said don't you pretend we didn't
Talk on the phone
My baby cried
And left me standing alone
She's so dangerous
The girl is dangerous
Take away my money
Throw away my time
You can call me honey
But you're no damn good for me
She came at me in sections
With the eyes of desire
I fell trapped into her
Web of sin
A touch, a kiss
A whisper of lvoe
I was at the point
Of no return
Sikinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Situation aggravation
Everybody allegation
in the suite, on the news
everybody dogfood
Bang bang shock dead
Everybodys gone bad
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Chew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me hike me
Dont you black or
white me!
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has
become of my life
I have a wife and two
childre who love me
I am the victim of police
brutality, now
Im tired of bein the
of hate, youre rapin
me of my pride
Oh for Gods sake
i look to heaven to ful-
fill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Trepidation, speculation
Ecerybody allagation
In the suite on the news
Everyboda dogfood
Black man black male
Throw the brother
in jail
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has become
of my rights
Am I ivisible cause you
ignore me?
Your proclamation
promised me free liberty
Im tired of bein the victim
of shame
Theyre throwinme in a
clas with a bad name
I cant believe this is the
land from which I came
The government dont
wanna see, but if
Roosevelt was livin he
wouldt let this be, no,no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Situation, specultaion
Everybody litigarion
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Some things in life they
just dont wanna see
But if Martin Luther was
livin, he wouldnt let
this be no, no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybodys gone bad
Situation Segregarion
Everybody allegation
In the suite an the news
Everybody dogfood
kick me Hike me
Dont you wrong or
right me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Everybody gone bad
Situation aggravation
Everybody allegation
in the suite, on the news
everybody dogfood
Bang bang shock dead
Everybodys gone bad
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Chew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me hike me
Dont you black or
white me!
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has
become of my life
I have a wife and two
childre who love me
I am the victim of police
brutality, now
Im tired of bein the
of hate, youre rapin
me of my pride
Oh for Gods sake
i look to heaven to ful-
fill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Trepidation, speculation
Ecerybody allagation
In the suite on the news
Everyboda dogfood
Black man black male
Throw the brother
in jail
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Tell me what has become
of my rights
Am I ivisible cause you
ignore me?
Your proclamation
promised me free liberty
Im tired of bein the victim
of shame
Theyre throwinme in a
clas with a bad name
I cant believe this is the
land from which I came
The government dont
wanna see, but if
Roosevelt was livin he
wouldt let this be, no,no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybody gone bad
Situation, specultaion
Everybody litigarion
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Some things in life they
just dont wanna see
But if Martin Luther was
livin, he wouldnt let
this be no, no
Skinhead, deadhead
Everybodys gone bad
Situation Segregarion
Everybody allegation
In the suite an the news
Everybody dogfood
kick me Hike me
Dont you wrong or
right me
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
All I wann say is that
They dont really care
about us
Kroncong Protol - Bondan Prakoso and Fade 2 Black
Oke.. yo rise and shine paklik, yo bring it down
Kroncong mampus strike back to the town
You cant lie kulihat yang kau sembunyikan
Pura-pura diam dengan sedikit gerak perlahan
Jadi, jadi, move on with the groove!!
Everybody yo, move on with the groove!!
Percuma saja, diam berdiri
Nanti sampe rumah malah pengen denger lagi
Lagi, lagi, lagi, ya terus saja!
Jika begini jadi inget usia senja
Jikalau kau nanti lebih tinggi dari radja
Nikmati hidup dengan blangkon di kepala
Memang tak lebih hebat dari Bengawan Solo
Apalagi jika kau dengar alunan Gesang
Tapi Please Dong, Ah! Yang dengar jangan parno
Lebih baik kita semua ikut berdendang
Hey sobat, mulailah menari!
Taburkan rasa cinta untuk hilangkan rasa dahaga! (Oh!)
Hey kawan, mulailah menyanyi!
Dendangkan lagu ini agar cinta tetap 'kan terjaga!
Rasakan cinta... yang tlah tercipta...
Antara kita... ye...!
Satukan jiwa... yang tlah tercipta...
Antara kita...
Jiggy one, jiggy two, Sundanese rasa kraton
Boleh dinikmati eksplorasi anti monoton
Berharap kau suka, dan mulailah bertanya
Siapakah mereka? Kenapa? Eh, asyik juga!!
One more time! Jiggy one, jiggy two!!
Nikmati aja, protesnya disimpan dulu!
Kolaborasi hebat 2007
Kroncong rap rock-ku boleh diadu
Cah manis
Yo, ayo, mari, kemari!
Berpegangan dan mulai berdendang
Kroncong mampus strike back to the town
You cant lie kulihat yang kau sembunyikan
Pura-pura diam dengan sedikit gerak perlahan
Jadi, jadi, move on with the groove!!
Everybody yo, move on with the groove!!
Percuma saja, diam berdiri
Nanti sampe rumah malah pengen denger lagi
Lagi, lagi, lagi, ya terus saja!
Jika begini jadi inget usia senja
Jikalau kau nanti lebih tinggi dari radja
Nikmati hidup dengan blangkon di kepala
Memang tak lebih hebat dari Bengawan Solo
Apalagi jika kau dengar alunan Gesang
Tapi Please Dong, Ah! Yang dengar jangan parno
Lebih baik kita semua ikut berdendang
Hey sobat, mulailah menari!
Taburkan rasa cinta untuk hilangkan rasa dahaga! (Oh!)
Hey kawan, mulailah menyanyi!
Dendangkan lagu ini agar cinta tetap 'kan terjaga!
Rasakan cinta... yang tlah tercipta...
Antara kita... ye...!
Satukan jiwa... yang tlah tercipta...
Antara kita...
Jiggy one, jiggy two, Sundanese rasa kraton
Boleh dinikmati eksplorasi anti monoton
Berharap kau suka, dan mulailah bertanya
Siapakah mereka? Kenapa? Eh, asyik juga!!
One more time! Jiggy one, jiggy two!!
Nikmati aja, protesnya disimpan dulu!
Kolaborasi hebat 2007
Kroncong rap rock-ku boleh diadu
Cah manis
Yo, ayo, mari, kemari!
Berpegangan dan mulai berdendang
Postingan (Atom)